Thank you PREPPER CON!

PREPPER CON was a great success for team InstaPrivy as the prepper community affirmed that we solved a need that seriously needed solving.

PREPPER CON was a great success for team InstaPrivy as the prepper community affirmed that we solved a need that seriously needed solving.  

It turns out that for Preppers; weight, size and functionality are essential considerations for every item they select for their bug out gear list.  The InstaPrivy was a huge hit for this crowd as it is the only truly portable, portable toilet and privacy kit that is designed for instant use and makes sense.  Whether sheltering in place in a disaster (without a working toilet) or on the move, the InstaPrivy provides privacy, decency and comfort for bathroom use or any other privacy need.  Survive and thrive with an InstaPrivy.  You will be glad you did!

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